We just finished the latest update of the database of AFCRAS.ORG coordinated repeater/frequencies. The coverage of repeaters coordinated by AFCRAS is rapidly growing. Alabama Amateur Radio repeater owners have discovered the tremendous improvements and advancements AFCRAS.ORG has brought to ham radio and frequency/repeater coordination in our state, and they are spreading the word throughout the Alabama ham community.
It all boils down to having a team with the right goals in mind…
By diligently pursuing our mission to provide the timely, courteous, and vastly modernized coordination services Alabama Amateur Radio repeater owners needed, waned, and requested (in vain) for many years, we’re consistently and
increasingly proving Alabama hams don’t have to settle for the old, ineffective ways of doing things. Instead, we use FCC approved, tried-and-true coordination methods which are resulting in repeater enthusiasts being able to put their equipment into fully coordinated service for a change, instead of them having to wait… and wait… and wait… only to eventually be told “There are no pairs available” or something similar. We can’t speak for others, but our #1 priority is to be of service, do things right, and do the right things.
We’re proud and delighted to be of service and to be helping make ham radio a much more enjoyable hobby in Alabama. We thank all of you for your support, and we pledge to continue to provide the best possible repeater and frequency coordination services possible, while always listening to your opinions and needs and constantly exploring ways to make our services even better.