SPECIAL NOTE: some web browsers do not facilitate filling-in Adobe PDF forms. The recommended method for filling out your application and submitting it online is to do the following:
- Click on the link to the AFCRAS Membership Application Form
- If you are given the choice of opening the file or saving/downloading it, choose the “save” option
- If your browser automatically opens a view of the form but you can’t click in the boxes to fill out your information, look for and click on the “download” button in your browser window
- Locate and open the downloaded file on your computer with the Adobe Reader (or compatible utility or app)
- You might have to click on an option to allow editing, or under “tools” select the “fill and sign” option
- You should now be able to easily click into any field/box (or just “tab” your way through them)
- When you have completed filling-in the form, you can click on “submit” to submit your form
- If you use an email client program, your default client should open and create an email with the application already attached — just hit “send” and it will be on its way to AFCRAS
- If you do not use an email client, you should be given the option to choose which email application and account to use, after which it should create an email with the form attached and ready for you to hit “send”
- We highly recommend that you use the “print” button to print out a hard copy of your application for future reference
- Make sure you “save” the filled-out version to your computer, in case you need to go back and make a correction and re-submit it, etc.
Would you like to join AFCRAS and show your support for improved, modern Amateur Radio repeater coordination in Alabama, as well as events, programs, activities, and media designed to foster information sharing between repeater owners and enthusiasts in and around Alabama?
For at least a limited time, annual dues for AFCRAS Membership are being waived. That’s right — FREE for a limited time. This will very likely change in the near future; however, if you submit your application prior to that being voted on and accepted by the AFCRAS membership, your dues for at least the 2018 calendar year will be $0. And we don’t expect annual membership dues to be very expensive in the future. We know that repeater ownership and maintenance can be pretty costly already.
It’s very easy and quick. You can do so online in a matter of moments. Just click here to access the Adobe PDF electronically fillable AFCRAS Membership Application Form (MAF). You will need the Adobe Reader on your system in order to open, fill out, and print the form. You must also have working email account in order to submit your application electronically. You can submit it by regular postal mail if you desire, but it will naturally take longer for your application to be received and processed by AFCRAS.
AFCRAS will not sell or otherwise distribute your contact information.
2/17/18 Update Note: Our Board of Directors has decided not to post the membership roster online. This decision was made in order to protect you, the members, from potential crawler and bot generated “spam.”