Click on this link to view a copy of the Alabama Frequency Coordination and Repeater Advancement Society (AFCRAS) Bylaws — PDF document
Bylaws update/revision history:
- February 22, 2018
- Board of Directors meeting to review proposed Bylaws revisions, corrections, and additions
- All items accepted by unanimous vote of Board of Directors, which included:
- Addition of II.5
- Correction of wording in III.2 to read “There shall be three (3) directors…”
- Revisions to IV.4.8
- Adopted Bylaws revision to be designated as “v1_3” as denoted in footer of each page
- All items accepted by unanimous vote of Board of Directors, which included:
- Board of Directors meeting to review proposed Bylaws revisions, corrections, and additions
- February 22, 2018
- Revisions, corrections, and additions drafted and submitted to Board of Directors by Bylaws Committee
- February 13, 2018 — Original adoption by Board of Directors