Finally! The ability to APPLY ONLINE for Alabama Amateur Radio repeater or device coordination!
- Just click here for instant access to the AFCRAS Frequency Coordination/Modification Application form (FCM). This is also the form used to apply for modifications/updates to your coordination). If you have the free Adobe Reader on your computer, you can quickly and easily complete your application, submit it to AFCRAS, save a copy on your computer, and print a copy for your own records if you wish. Along with the Adobe Reader, you will also need to have access to a working email account in order to electronically.
- No more having to download and print application forms (although you can do so if you prefer to do it that way.)
- AFCRAS Frequency Coordinators get instant email notification of your application and can get to work on it faster than Alabama Amateur Radio repeater enthusiasts have experienced in the past!
We also encourage you to apply for AFCRAS membership. That’s also easy and quick to do. Just fill your application out right there on your computer screen and submit it electronically. Visit the Membership Information section of our website to find out more and complete your application (or download it, if you prefer to apply by regular mail).
Welcome to frequency coordination and information/technology sharing designed with the best interests and desires of Alabama Amateur Radio enthusiasts in mind. That is exactly why the Alabama Frequency Coordination and Repeater Advancement Society came into existence — some of us have been listening to your comments, complaints, and wishes for frequency coordination for Alabama hams to be improved, modernized, and made more user-friendly.
You asked. You have deserved something better. It’s now here. You’re quite welcome. Enjoy!