Responding to the call of amateur radio repeater owners, trustees, and sponsors throughout the state of Alabama for timely, convenient, courteous repeater coordination services.
- Online, paperless applications — no paper, no mailing, less waiting
- Modernized coordination process employing proven FCC Land Mobile Radio methodology for improved spectrum utilization and interference avoidance
- Totally public, free access to the database of coordinated repeaters which is updated as soon as any repeater is coordinated, modified, or removed
- Transparency — Coordination Policies, Guidelines, and Methodology openly available right here for you to view
- Informative meetings, events, videos, and other media to share technical and operational information — presented by Alabama hams for Alabama hams
- A keen focus on continuous quality improvement and attention to your feedback, suggestions, and needs
- Coordination and information services all intended to provide you — Amateur Radio operators and repeater enthusiasts in Alabama — the level and quality of service you deserve!