Would You Like To Be A Featured Presenter?

The Alabama Frequency Coordination and Repeater Advancement Society (AFCRAS) has pledged and intends to fully live up the latter part of the organization’s name — “Repeater Advancement Society” — and is already working on lining up presentations for future meetings, events, and technical videos. It’s all about “hams helping one another” and sharing information. If you have a particular area of expertise, interesting experience, or perhaps you’ve come up with a creative way to pull off a “super cool” repeater project and would like to share it with others, let us know!

Quite often, repeater enthusiasts find themselves trying to solve nagging problems in their systems or looking for solutions to technical issues which it turns out another Amateur Radio hobbyist in Alabama has already dealt with (“been there, done that,” so to speak.) YOU could hold the answer to that one really annoying problem a fellow ham is wrestling with. Here’s your chance to share your knowledge and experience for the benefit of Alabama Amateur Radio community.

Share your idea for a presentation or video with one of the team on the AFCRAS Media Committee today. Just send it by email to media@afcras.org and someone will get back with you in a timely fashion to brainstorm it.

We look forward to hearing more ideas and facilitating the sharing of all that neat stuff you folks have in your heads.

AFCRAS Media Committee

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